Bimbo Goes Electric 0 (0)

Today I saw a Bimbo electric delivery van. This makes the third time I have seen one. It could have been the same one all three times. I have seen… Read more

Tracking a Package 0 (0)

I regularly buy stuff on-line and use a freight forwarder in the US to send the package to me in Guatemala. All too often I get a message that an… Read more

Becoming an Autoproducer with EEGSA 5 (1)

In Guatemala the law allows you to sell electricity back to the utility at retail up to the quantity that you use. That is, you only pay for what you… Read more

Starting Your Own Business 0 (0)

If you are here with a status of “retired” you are not allowed to work but you can run your own business. I have known that you can start an… Read more

New Maps for Garmin GPS 5 (1)

I bought a used Garmin GPS and the Guatemala map image was defective. (It had other Central America maps but only Guatemala was broken.) With a bit of searching I… Read more

Transmetro for Ancianos 0 (0)

In other words, old folks. You can get yourself a Transmetro card that grants you four free trips per day. You used to just go to the Muni office, show… Read more

Where Can I get a Good Pie? 5 (1)

There are lots of places that sell pies — chains such as San Martin. And of those San Martin is better than the others. And they are not too expensive… Read more

Getting Your Mail Forwarded 0 (0)

There are multiple reasons you may want a U.S.-based mailing address and a mail forwarding service. That includes dealing with businesses that only work with people “in” the U.S. and… Read more

BYD Electric Cars 0 (0)

The bad news is that there are few electric vehicles for sale in Guatemala right now. The one company that seems to be taking the market seriously is BYD (… Read more

Bitpointlatam is a Scam 5 (2)

I’m not sure where I found out about them but the idea of a Latin American-centric cryptocurrency exchange sounded like a good idea. They claimed, for example, that they could… Read more