Tarea 0 (0)
Yes, tarea typically means a task or homework but it is also a measurement. My research (after I saw it as property size in a classified ad) is that it is 628.8 square meters.
tenango 0 (0)
A nahuatl word meaning "place of walls" or "walled place". I have heard it defined as just "the place of". In any case, there are lots of cities in Guatemala whose name ends in tenango. For example, Jocotenango, Mazatenango, Quetzaltenango.
tienda 0 (0)
A small store, many times no more than a converted garage, where you can do real local shopping. What they carry is what you might buy everyday -- from eggs to toilet paper.
tonel 0 (0)
El tonel is used to describe a barrel -- typically a 55 gallon drum.