In Guatemala the law allows you to sell electricity back to the utility at retail up to the quantity that you use. That is, you only pay for what you use minus what you produce. This could even be a little bit better because rates are lower if you consume less. I had done this before with Energuate but this is my first time with EEGSA.
On their web site, https://eegsa.com, there is a relatively useless page about “autoproductor”. I say relatively useless as it lists what information you need to submit but the reality is that there is a form you have to fill out which asks for things not listed in the web page. Thus, I would recommend you go to their office and request the form first.
I recommend SolarGuat as a source of equipment and, unless you know what you are doing, installation. They have good prices and clearly know what they are doing. Note that currently their web site is pretty useless so stop by or call.
Once your system is installed, you need to submit the paperwork to EEGSA to get a bi-directional meter. What you need includes a copy of your DPI, the form you have to fill out and, maybe some documentation of what you have installed. I included photos, a schematic I drew, and specification sheets on the PV panels and inverter. What I missed was needing the serial number of the inverter.
Once they accept your papers they will assign you a ticket number. Amazing as it may seem, they actually send you an email confirming the ticket and even tell you the status.
That’s where I am right now. I expect that within the next few days they will call to set up an appointment to first inspect the installation and then to change the meter. When I did this with EEGSA it all happened in less than two weeks.
Note that if you operate the system before the meter is changed it is likely that rather than reducing your bill, you will get charged for the electricity you produced. While I am not positive, I believe the electronic meters will do this but the old, mechanical meters have a mechanism which prevents this from happening.
This is now a done deal. Last week I got an email saying that “the inspector” would be out here today. I prepared to explain/justify what I did. The “inspector” got here at about 10AM. He asked me to turn on the PV inverter. He then took a couple of photos and then went outside to change the meter. More photos, the new meter and he was done. Total time: about 5 minutes with pretty much no inspection. Easy and, at least in Guatemala, well worth doing.